Dr. Garry Nolan Releases All Videos From Inaugural SOL Conference

  • Confirmed

UAP Caucus

Dr. Garry Nolan, a prominent figure in the scientific study of UAPs, is set to release all videos from the inaugural SOL conference, an event focused on research into UFOs and non-human intelligence. This conference, organized by The Sol Foundation, brought together experts from various fields to discuss and explore the scientific, policy, and philosophical implications of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. The release of these videos is expected to provide the public with unprecedented access to cutting-edge discussions and theories in the field of UAP research, potentially offering new insights and advancing our understanding of these mysterious phenomena.


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UAP Caucus

Status changed to: Confirmed


UAP Caucus

On Feb 12, 2024, the Sol Foundation released the first set of videos from the inaugural Sol Conference in Nov 2023.


UAP Caucus

Status changed to: In Progress