First Hand Whistleblower(s) from UAP Reverse Engineering Programs Go Public

UAP Caucus

Rumors are circulating that 2024 will see the emergence of one or more whistleblowers from programs involved in the reverse engineering of UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). These individuals, allegedly having firsthand experience with such covert programs, are expected to go public with their accounts. The revelation of these whistleblowers could provide unprecedented insights into the U.S. government's or other entities' efforts to understand and possibly replicate technology observed in UAPs. Such disclosures would not only validate claims about the existence of reverse engineering programs but also potentially unveil technological advancements derived from UAPs. The testimony of these whistleblowers could significantly influence public perception and understanding of the UAP phenomenon and its implications for science and technology.


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UAP Caucus

In a recent cllp from the new TMZ docuseries UFO Revolution, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell doubled down on this prediction that specifically private sector whistleblowers with come forward this year, and they are actively being pressured not to come forward.

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