ICIG Classified Briefing With House Oversight Committee on David Grusch Allegations (Confirmed in Jan 2024)

  • Confirmed

UAP Caucus

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) is scheduled to conduct a classified briefing with the House Oversight Committee on January 12, 2024, regarding allegations made by David Grusch. Grusch, a key figure in the UAPTF/NGA/NRO with firsthand UAP experiences, has made significant claims about the U.S. government's handling of UAP phenomena. The briefing will likely address the specifics of Grusch's allegations, including details about the U.S.'s supposed secret UAP retrieval program and the internal resistance faced during UAP investigations. This meeting underscores the seriousness with which these allegations are being taken and could have major implications for public understanding and policy regarding UAPs.


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Status changed to: Confirmed


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